鲁晓锋,男,河南汝州人,教授,博士生导师,工学博士,j9官网登录入口科技处副处长,信息技术新工科产学研联盟理事,中国计算机学会CCF高级会员,中国计算机学会教育专委会委员,中国工程教育认证专家,陕西省高校教学指导委员会创新创业教育工作委员会委员,国家级一流金课负责人,IEEE/ACM 会员,日本电气学会IEEJ会员,中国图象图形学学会会员,陕西省计算机教育学会理事,陕西省计算机学会理事,陕西省图象图形学学会理事,日本文部科学省奖学金获得者。研究方向:计算机视觉、模式识别、智能计算等,主要包括目标检测与跟踪、图像理解、深度学习和智能交通系统等研究;发表SCI/EI等学术论文30余篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家博士后科学基金面上项目、陕西省自然科学基金面上项目、企业横向课题等多项。主讲国家级线上线下混合式课程《C语言程序设计》和省级精品资源共享课程《数据库原理》,获批教育部第二批新工科产学研合作项目1项,教育部产学研合作项目1项,省级教学改革项目1项,获得陕西省科学技术二等奖1项,陕西省教学成果二等奖2项。
电话:029-82312220, QQ:4082192 邮编:710048
2011/4 - 2014/3,日本大学,计算机科学(情报科学专攻),博士,导师:Takashi Izumi
2003/9 - 2006/4,j9官网登录入口,计算机应用技术,硕士,导师:王新房
1996/9 - 2001/7,j9官网登录入口,计算机及应用,学士,导师:张发存
2003/9-至今, j9官网登录入口,j9九游国际真人,讲师、副教授、教授
国家重点研究计划项目子课题,2018YFB0203901,虚拟数据空间资源聚合模型, 2018.5-2021.4,已结题,参与。
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,61703333,密集杂波环境下基于距离-多普勒的外辐射源多目标跟踪,2018.1-2020.12, 已结题,参加。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,61573281,基于随机有限集理论的复杂背景视频多目标跟踪研究, 2016.1-2016.12,已结题,主持。
1. 期刊论文
[1] Xiaofeng Lu,Xiaofei Bai, Sixun Li, Xinhong Hei, Infrared Small Target Detection Based on the Weighted Double Local Contrast Measure Utilizing a Novel Window, IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters, Vol. 19,2022 (SCI: 000836625900002)
[2] Xiaofeng Lu,Zhengyang Wang, Xuan Wang, Xinhong Hei, Multi‐template temporal information fusion for Siamese object tracking,IET Computer Vision,2022.8(SCI:000841762500001)
[3] Xiaofeng Lu,Xiaopeng Li,Zhengyang Wang,Xinhong Hei, A Multi-template Fusion Object Tracking Algorithm Based On Graph Attention Network,IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2022.10 (SCI:000865655000001)
[4] 鲁晓锋,柏晓飞,李思训,王轩,黑新宏,基于改进加权增强局部对比度测量的红外小目标检测方法,红外与激光工程,Vol.51,NO.8, 2022.8 (EI:20223912800653)
[5] Xiaofeng Lu,Caidi Xu, Lei Wang, Lin Teng, Improved Background Subtraction Method for Detecting Moving Objects Based on GMM, IEEJ Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2018.11. Vol.13.No.11,pp: 1540~1550.( SCI:000446432300002)
[6] Xiaofeng Lu, Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng, Lei Wang, “Multiple visual targets tracking via probability hypothesis density filter and feature measurement”, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol.9,No.6.pp.685-691 2014.10. (SCI: WOS:000343828600015, EI: 20144300121689)
[7] Xiaofeng Lu, Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng, Tadahiro Horie, Lei Wang, “A Novel Background Subtraction Method for Moving Vehicle Detection,” IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 132, No. 10, pp. 857-863, 2012.9. (EI: 20124215574246)
[8] Xiaofeng Lu Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng, Lei Wang, “Particle filter vehicle tracking based on SURF feature matching”, IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. Vol.3,No.2 pp.182-191,2013.(EI:20173104003809)
[9] Lin Teng, Takashi Izumi*, Xiaofeng Lu, Fumio Wakui, “A Method of the Optimum Route Search by Fuzzy-AHP”, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 133, No. 6, pp. 1269-1276, 2013.(EI: 20132816496028)
[10]Qiaoyong Jiang, Lei Wang, Xinhon Hei, Xiaofeng Lu, MOEA/D-ARA+SBX: A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition with artificial raindrop algorithm and simulated binary crossover, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 107, 2016.9, pp:197-218, ( SCI :000380595900016)
[11]Qiaoyong Jiang, Lei Wang, Yanyan Lin, Xinhong Hei, Guolin Yu, Xiaofeng Lu. An efficient multi-objective artificial raindrop algorithm and its application to dynamic optimization problems in chemical processes. Applied Soft Computing.Vol.58.2017.9,pp:354-377. (SCI:000405457500027)
[12] Qiaoyong Jiang, Lei Wang, Jiatang Cheng, Xiaoshu Zhu, Wei Li, Yanyan Lin, Guolin Yu, Xinhong Hei, Xiaofeng Lu. Multi-objective differential evolution with dynamic covariance matrix learning for multi-objective optimization problems with variable linkages. Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol.121. 2017.4.pp:111-128. (SCI:000395952200011)
2. 会议论文
[1]Xiaofeng Lu, Caidi,Xu. Novel Gaussian mixture model background subtraction method for detecting moving objects. The 2018 IEEE International Conference of Safety Produce Informatization. 2018.11.pp:6-10. (EI:20191906869042)
[2]Xiaofeng LU, Xinhong Hei, Lei Wang, Haiyan Jin, A novel probability hypothesis density filter for tracking visual targets. The 5th international Symposium on Information Technology and Application(ISITA 2016), pp.103-106,Oct. 13-15,2016, Chengdu, China.
[3] Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng, Lei Wang, “A adaptive multiple feature fusion for moving-object tracking using particle filter,” Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, SICE Annual Conf., pp. 1649-1656, 2013. (EI: 20134917053885, EI: 20141117441406)
[4] Xiaofeng lu(鲁晓锋),Takashi Izumi, Tomoaki Takahashi, Lei Wang, ”Moving vehicle detection based on Fuzzy background subtraction,” the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.. (FUZZ-IEEE 2014) pp.529-532. 2014. (EI: 20144900282738)
[5] Lin Teng, Takashi Izumi*, Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), “ A new proposal to reflect preferences into route search for individual driver,” Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, SICE Annual Conf., pp. 753-756, 2013. (EI: 20134917053886)
[6]Xiaofeng Lu,Lei Wang, Vehicle tracking process based on combination of SURF and color feature. Sixth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, 2015.7 (EI: 20151300686764)
[7]Zijian Cao, Lei Wang, Xinhong Hei, Xiaofeng Lu, Xiaofan Wang, A Phase Based Optimization Algorithm for Big Optimization Problems, 2016 IEEE Congress On Evolutionary Computation(CEC), pp. 5209-5214, 2016. (EI: 20165203176304)
[8] Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋),Jing Xin, Xinhong Hei, Lei Wang, “ Gaussian Mixture probability hypothesis density filter for tracking visual targets” , 2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Applications ,2014.11 (EI)
[9]Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Tadahiro Horie, Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng, “A Novel Background Subtraction Method for Moving Vehicle Detection”, IEE-Japan Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS-12-24, pp.47-50, 2012.
[10]Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Takashi Izumi*, Lin Teng,and Tadahiro Horie, “A Novel Background Subtraction Method for Moving Vehicle Detection”, IEE Japan Joint Technical Meeting on Light Application and Visual Science and Instrumentation and Measurement. LAV-12-008, IM-12-016, pp.35-40. 2012.
[11]Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Takashi Izumi*, Hiroto Seki, and Tomoaki Takahashi, “A consideration of moving object tracking using particle filter”, IEE-Japan Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS-13-039, TER-13-065, pp.53-56, 2013.
[12]Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Takashi Izumi*, Hiroto Seki, Tomoaki Takahashi, “Improvement of Detection of Moving Targets Using the Particle Filter”, IEE Japan Joint Technical Meeting on Light Application and Visual Science and Instrumentation and Measurement. LAV-14-008, IM-14-008, 2014.
[13]Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Hiroto Seki, Tomoaki Takahashi, Takashi Izumi, “Moving-object tracking using particle filter, ” IEE-Japan Industry Applications Society Conf., 2014.
[14] Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), Takashi Izumi, “A novel background subtraction for moving vehicle detection”, Technical Meeting of Chiba sub-branch, Tokyo branch, IEE of Japan,1-1, 2012.
[15]Lin Teng, Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), and Takashi Izumi*, “Extraction of optimal route search for driver by AHP”, IEE-Japan Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS-11-17, pp. 5-8, 2011.
[16]Lin Teng, Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), and Takashi Izumi*, “Extraction of Optimal route search for driver: Approach of preference by Fuzzy-AHP”, The 27th Symposium of Fuzzy system, TG1-4, Vol. 27, pp. 811-814, 2011.
[17]Lin Teng, Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋) and Takashi Izumi, “Optimal route search for driver—Introduction of AHP sensibility evaluation”, IEE-Japan Industry Applications Society Conf., 2-62, 2011.
[18] Lin Teng, Takashi Izumi, Kazuaki Hiwatashi, and Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋) “Driver preference route search by Fuzzy-AHP--Study of route search using the DRM-DB”, IEE-Japan Industry Applications Society Conf., 4-16, 2013.
[19] Lin Teng, Takashi Izumi, Fumio Wakui and Xiaofeng Lu(鲁晓锋), “Study of driver optimal route search by Fuzzy-AHP”, The 11th Symposium of Intelligent Transport Systems of Japan, 2-B-03, 2012.
[20]Xiaofeng Lu, Xuan Wang, Zhengyang Wang, Xinhong Hei, Template Update Based on 3D Convolutional Siamese Network for Object Tracking,2nd Asia Conference on Computers and Communications, ACCC 2021. (EI:20221011748712)
[21]Xiaofeng Lu, Jiaming Liu, Xiaofeng Bai, Sixun li, Infrared small target detection based on the difference variance weighted enhanced local contrast measure, 2022 5th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2022)
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